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By Keith Campbell

After a series of events perceived by many as administrative overreach, a core organizing group began seriously discussing the possibility of collectively organizing in 1994. We began holding meetings to discuss our situation and the options available. An informal steering committee emerged, of which I was a part. We invited, and interviewed on campus, representatives of three organizations with which we considered affiliating. They were the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the National Education Association, and the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). Since AAUP seemed to best represent our interests, we selected them. On January 15, 1996, the FHSU chapter of AAUP was officially formed, and in the recognition ceremony held in a room in the Memorial Union, 25 faculty members in attendance became the first charter members.

Go HERE for more details.

Current AAUP@FHSU leadership:

PRES.: Janet Naylor-Tincknell 

VICE PRES.: Denise Orth

TREASURER: Cole Engel  cole

SECRETARY: Elizabeth Downing-Turner